Holiday Parties and Photos: Just Two of the Many Reasons to Have Your Teeth Professionally Whitened
The holidays are a time when family and friends gather to celebrate and, everyone is a potential photographer.
The holidays are a time when family and friends gather to celebrate and, everyone is a potential photographer.
We’ve all seen the ads for at-home teeth whitening kits that promise amazing results.
If your teeth are weak, cavity-prone, or both, you have a number of options to strengthen them and give yourself a bright, healthy smile.
When gum disease gets serious, so do the treatments.
If you unconsciously grind, gnash, or clench your teeth, you might have a condition called bruxism.
When brushing and flossing, many people tend to think that the health of their teeth equals their oral health.
Earaches, neck pain, and a jaw that pops, clicks, or gets stuck are all signs of a TMJ disorder.
Whenever you lose a tooth, your oral health takes a big hit.
If you wake up in the morning with sore teeth and an aching jaw, you may be clenching or grinding your teeth while you sleep.