Why do I need regular dental checkups?

The main reason is to ensure you stay healthy and to prevent disease. Sometimes people come in with cavities or oral cancers they're unaware of, and we help catch those early. We also assist with home hygiene by showing you how to properly clean and brush your teeth, making sure you are comfortable and less likely to experience dental pain, ultimately helping you live a healthy, happy life.

How often should I get a dental checkup?

The interval for dental checkups is typically between three and six months. If you are a healthy adult or child with no gum disease and a very clean mouth, once every six months is sufficient. However, as you get older, or if you have gum disease, braces, or other medical conditions, your cleaning intervals should be between three to six months, or even three to four months for more complicated cases or those with gum disease.

Can dental checkups prevent oral health issues?

Absolutely. During your dental checkups, we look for cavities and anything unusual in your mouth, and we also perform a head and neck exam. I've caught skin cancers on patients' noses, ears, and cheeks. Early detection is key; I've even caught cancer on someone's arm. If I see something unusual during your visit, I will recommend you get it checked out, which can lead to significant health benefits.

What is included in a dental checkup at Virginia H. Ellis, DDS Dental Corp?

At my office, every checkup includes an exam, a gum health check, a review of your medical history, teeth cleaning, and advice on how to keep your gums healthy. If we find you are not effectively brushing or flossing, we will help you improve. We also address issues like bad breath and include x-rays if necessary at appropriate intervals.

Are dental x-rays included in the regular checkup?

Yes, they are necessary. Depending on your needs, we update your x-rays regularly because cavities and gum disease aren't always visible just by looking in your mouth. X-rays provide a comprehensive view of your oral health that we can't achieve just by examining your teeth and mouth chairside.

What is a dentist looking for during a dental checkup?

We look for cavities and diseases in the skin, both inside and outside the mouth. Sometimes we catch medical conditions like high blood pressure, potential signs of heart attacks, strokes, dementia, or diabetes. As dentists, we see patients regularly and can notice changes in your health. If we have concerns about your medical conditions, we refer you to a doctor, and often people discover medical issues they were unaware of.

How long does a dental checkup take?

We typically schedule about an hour for each checkup. This time includes taking x-rays, cleaning your teeth, conducting the exam, answering any questions, and offering tips on maintaining oral hygiene. We also take this time to connect with you personally, as your overall well-being affects your oral health. For example, individuals with depression often have poor oral hygiene, and we work to help you maintain your health and teeth.

Do dental check-ups hurt?

Generally, they do not hurt unless you have very swollen gums. If necessary, we can numb you to ensure your comfort. The real pain comes from not attending checkups, which can lead to complications. If you address issues now, you can prevent discomfort later. It's better to prevent problems than to wait until they become painful.

What is the best way to schedule a dental check-up?

You can call my office at (925) 272-2698 or schedule online.