Just because you aren't experiencing pain, it doesn't mean that there's no underlying disease or cavities in your body. Pain is not always a reliable indicator of disease. For instance, I recently performed a filling on a patient who reported no pain, but upon examination, I discovered a deep cavity that wasn't evident in x-rays.

If you delay treatment until you feel pain, it can lead to more complicated and costly procedures. For example, ignoring a cavity until it hurts might result in needing a root canal and a crown, causing the treatment cost to rise from a couple of hundred dollars to a couple of thousand dollars. Moreover, this also means more discomfort and multiple visits to the doctor.

It's crucial to get your health check-ups done when advised. Don't wait until you feel pain or try to deny the existence of a potential problem. Trust professionals who are looking out for your best interests. Early detection and treatment often lead to much better outcomes.

A similar scenario can be seen in cancer patients. Often, people with stage one or two cancer don't feel any pain. But when the disease progresses to stage three or four, they start experiencing symptoms. If they had regular checkups and detected the disease early, the prognosis could have been much better. Don't fall into the trap of believing that lack of pain equals a lack of disease.
